Bulimia Recovery

Bulimia Help

Break free from Bulimia for good!
Imagine waking up one day and the urge to binge and purge is gone – GONE!
You are feeling vibrantly healthy and your energy levels have come back to normal…

… all that and NO weight gain…

Sounds impossible right? Wrong.  With this step-by-step program it is possible to break free from the hell of bulimia once and for all and for good.

"... with Sharon's help I have wrestled my demons and finally beat bulimia.  It is such a good feeling!..."

By the completion of my program it is possible for you to have:

Finished with binging and purging forever
Get your life back – have time for friends, family and loved ones again
No more obsessive thoughts or compulsions to binge – just a mind at peace

There is a way out of the exhausting hell that is bulimia.  I have worked with hundreds of women and their eating disorder and watched them move from being stuck to a place of freedom and happiness.

Everyone knows the dreadful impact Bulimia has on your health.  It wrecks your teeth, burns your esophagus; causes swollen glands, calloused knuckles, depression, anxiety and so much more.  Worse yet, left unchecked, it upsets the delicate balance of electrolytes leaving you at risk of a sudden heart attack, vital organ failure, huge complications and ultimately - death.

Who would have ever thought that something that started out so innocently - as a restrictive diet to lose a few pounds and manage your weight - could lead to such serious implications?  But it has.

Not only does bulimia put a stranglehold on your health it slowly but surely creeps up and steals your life.  You know what I mean, before you realize it you find that instead of enjoying time with your friends you find yourself looking for polite ways to leave events early so that you can get away and be with your false ‘friend’ the bulimia.   Before you know it you find that you prefer to spend your time with the bulimia rather than with friends and family.  You will make time for a boyfriend only so long as he doesn’t interfere with your need to be with the Bulimia.

You have probably found yourself screaming at loved ones to ‘leave me alone’, door slamming, crying, anxiety, mood swings, irritability.  These are all part of being held in the clutches of Bulimia’s grasp.

Then one day you wake up and all you have left is the Bulimia.  You have pushed family, friends and loved ones away.  You have allowed the Bulimia to run your life.  It has taken over every aspect of your life and like a dictator rules your every waking hour.

On top of that you're probably broke.  It costs a small fortune to feed a habit like Bulimia.  And if you are not buying the food yourself you are sneaking it, hiding it or stealing it from those you love.

It’s exhausting and you are exhausted!



......behind -for good!

“I am less anxious now and I feel ok to eat regular meals.  I still feel the desire to over-exercise, but the techniques I have learnt help me manage these feelings.  Best thing of all is I have not put on weight.”


“I have finally got my emotional triggers to binge and drink under control.  I feel good in my skin for the first time in years.  It has taken me many years to get to the point where I want to finish with the Bulimia.  What a relief to finally be done with it.”


“Finally I feel better and my head is clearer – I can think straight.  I am getting more done at work.  I think the thing I like the best is not having my head filled with obsessive thoughts about binging all the time.  I am free!”


Break free of this debilitating disorder.

I am in Pakenham and I see clients here.
I offer two types of programs for bulimia, binging and eating disorders:

regular on-going counselling in once weekly sessions.  These sessions are for 90 minutes and also include hypnosis.  I have had many clients finish with their bulimia within three months of embarking on this type of counselling.


The Bulimia Program - a three-day immersion program that includes 15 days of Sound Therapy prior to the three-day immersion and 10 follow-up sessions.   This program is conducted one-on-one in a comfortable, nurturing environment using the very latest, proven techniques that work to break the cycle of bulimia once and for all, and for good.

Over the course of the three-day immersion many find that they have:

Once and for all stopped the cycle of binging and purging that is bulimia
Found peace with themselves and their past
Reconnected with the part of them that wants to be whole and healed
Regained their sense of self and self-esteem
Found a way to love and honour themselves again

You will be able to look in the mirror and smile again - feeling happy with yourself and your life!

“I felt bad eating all my parent’s food all the time and wasting so much money on binge food.  I love that I eat regular meals now and I am not afraid of eating or food anymore.”


“It is such a relief to get my life back.  Now I have time for friends again.  I have reestablished old friendships and have started going out again.   I am not stuck in my room feeling depressed anymore.  The depression has lifted.  It took a while to get used to eating normally again, and I had a few slip-ups along the way, but finally I have made it.  Freedom from bulimia – sweet relief!.”


“I love that I am no longer hiding or nicking food anymore.  My self-esteem, confidence and energy have come back.  I am back at uni finishing off my degree. It is like a big black cloud has finally lifted from my life.”


Call me now to set yourself on the road to recovery - m: 0437 048 833

Mothers, fathers, teachers, boyfriends, spouses all try to help the bulimic out of her destructive behaviour but it doesn't work.  The bulimic is in a relationship with the bulimia, this causes her to push away from those she loves no matter the cost to her, her life, or her relationships with those she holds dear.

Talk therapy talks about it but doesn't address the real issues.  Bulimia is an addiction with an OCD component.  It is when we work with bulimia from this understanding that we finally get results.

Gaining weight is one of the bulimic's greatest fears.  Over the three-day immersion program we meet every fear, every objection, every destructive thought pattern that has been holding the bulimic back from the goodness of her life and we finish bulimia for the last time.  Forever.

Most people find that they are done with the bulimic behaviour by the end of the first day of this program, a very small minority wait until the end of the second day.  Over the course of the program we cover everything that needs to be covered:

Building self-esteem and self-reliance
Forgiveness of self
Building positive resources that will serve for the rest of one's life
Setting boundaries comfortably and wisely
Belief in self
Ability to eat in a healthy way that nourishes the body without causing weight gain
Each participant receives a manual and a set of cds that provide take-home backup and support into the future

Finally there is a tried and true way for breaking out of the cycle of bulimia.

Sharon is thrilled to be able to offer this cutting-edge Bulimia Program right here in Australia.  Sharon has trained with the best of the best.  She trained in addictions and eating disorders at The Swinburne University of Technology as part of Post Graduate Degree studies in Counselling.  She also trained extensively and in depth at Osho International in Pune, India where she lived for two years undergoing intensive full-time training in hypnosis, meditation, counselling, psychotherapy, NLP and related therapeutic modalities.

If you are finally ready to put Bulimia behind you then please contact Sharon today to find out the details of this exceptional and highly regarded Bulimia Program.

The Bulimia Program is a three day program (including up to 10 follow-up sessions), conducted one-on-one in complete privacy and with full confidentiality.

Call 0437 048 833 to find out more.

Testimonials and Case Studies
The Bulimia Breakthrough Method has provided so many success stories.  Below are just a few:

A 42 year old engineer who had used bulimia 5 to 6 times a day since she was 15 years old.  On the day of her first session she said, 'I only did it two times yesterday.'  That was the last time she ever used bulimia again.   She finished the Bulimia Breakthrough programme and has not relapsed since.
A 26 year-old student using bulimia 4 to 5 times a day "depending on how bad it got".  She used on the morning of her first day of the programme prior to attending and then, that was it.  She never used bulimia again.
A 48 year old lawyer had been using bulimia 4 to 5 times a day to manage her stress since she was 21.   Now she is happy, healthy and finished with bulimia.

Final doubts?
Perhaps you are thinking to yourself, it all sounds good but what if it doesn't work for me? - It will.

Everyone is nervous before they embark on a programme like this.  They are nervous and fearful.  Afraid that it won't work.  Afraid that they will waste their money.  Afraid that they won't know how to cope with life without the addiction of bulimia.

Rest assured, there is a way out of this exhausting misery.  Using The Bulimia Program I follow a road map that has worked for so many others before.  It will work for you too, to pull you out of the endless spiral of self-loathing and suffering.  Integrating you back to your Self.  Whole and healed.

When you are ready to start, give me a call: 0437 048 833
Sharon Chinen

“I had been hiding this from my husband and kids for 25 years now.  I felt so much shame about what I was doing.  Thanks to Sharon, I have learnt how to manage the anxiety and the binging and purging has stopped.  My energy and happiness has returned.  I am no longer living a lie.”


“I struggled at first.  This program takes effort!  But finally I found that when I put the effort in I got the results.  I am a busy person running my own business and now that I no longer waste time, money or thoughts on binging and food I am getting so much done.  Now that life is so much better it is hard to remember why I thought bulimia was such a part of me.”



Tomatis Melbourne, QRI Cold Laser Melbourne, Reflex Integration Melbourne, Hypnosis Melbourne.
Pakenham Hypnosis, Pakenham, Victoria, Australia.

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